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Our company is a professional provider of design and manufacturing solutions for oil well cement testing instruments both domestically and internationally. We provide high-performance oil well cement testing instruments and equipment to users both domestically and internationally, and are a leader in mastering core technologies in this field.
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DFC-1531 Cement Sheath Strain Temperature Failure Simulation Device

DFC-1531 Cement Sheath Strain Temperature Failure Simulation Device

Product Overview

The purpose of the instrument experiment is to simulate the periodic changes in casing internal pressure, cement sheath temperature, and confining pressure in the downhole environment of a 6 'wellbore and a 4-1/2' tail pipe, to detect the gas channeling and gas channeling flow rate of the cement sheath in real time, and to conduct accurate collection. Evaluate the bonding status between different formulations of cement and casing under different temperatures, pressures, and confining pressures.


Instrument structure and characteristics

1. The height of the inner cavity of the cement ring is 1000mm.

2. Considering the strain effect of different cement sheath thicknesses, three types of cement sheath thicknesses can be simulated: 15mm, 20mm, and 30mm.

3. Electric lifting device for easy installation and disassembly.

4. Heat resistant stainless steel kettle body.

5. Two sets of temperature control systems are designed to control the heating and cooling of the casing and confining pressure temperature, using British and European controllers for control.

6. Two sets of pressure systems are designed to control the stable pressure of the casing and confining pressure, using imported pressure sensors and controllers. The confining pressure is pressurized by a gas booster pump, while the casing pressure is pressurized by a liquid booster pump.

7. An interface for ultrasonic logging equipment can be reserved for users.

8. Provide RS-232 communication interface and computer curve data acquisition software.

Main technical indicators of the instrument

1. The maximum pressure inside the casing is 70MPa, the maximum confining pressure is 28MPa, and the design pressure of the kettle body is 40MPa

2. Measurement pressure sensor accuracy:<1%

3. The maximum temperature inside the casing is 160 ℃, and the maximum temperature under confining pressure is 160 ℃

4. Temperature control accuracy: ± 1 ℃, pressure control accuracy: ± 1MPa

5. Measure the gas flow rate using the balance drainage method, with an accuracy of 0.1ml

6. Pressure pulse: 3-5 minutes to pressurize to the target formation pressure

7. Nitrogen gas is used for testing gas channeling, with a design maximum pressure of 28MPa

8. Real time collection of temperature, pressure, gas flow rate data and curves during the test process

9. The temperature of the external pressure chamber of the cement sheath and the temperature inside the casing can be controlled separately

10. Cement sheath thickness 15mm, 20mm, and 30mm

11. Volume: 110 × eighty-five × 180 (335) cm